Writing my book, Liberation – Breaking The Chains To Survival And Freedom was a huge thing to do, revealing so much of my personal ‘stuff’ with cancer to shed light on what we go through in our heads, in our hearts, and in our deepest fears and subconscious.
The devastation of being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was a crushing blow. The intense love for my family is where I found my strength to face the journey itself while dealing with the possibility of losing my battle with cancer.
Reliving these experiences has been a secondary journey in itself. And now my book is available on Amazon! Read the very personal accounts of how I broke through the chains of cancer, through the highs and the lows, for my very own piece of salvation — Liberation.
Thousands of people lose their lives to lymphoma – a type of blood cancer — that we never really hear about. Lymphoma is the 5th most common cancer in Australia but is overlooked on a global scale. Sadly, it can take a patient anywhere from six months to a year, sometimes longer, to discover their tumors. The symptoms it carries are often ignored, simply because there is not enough awareness. Which I why I wrote this book!
Before chemotherapy, I researched the internet to find out more about this blood cancer — experiences from real people living with this disease. I wanted to know about every emotion, and every experience, from people living with cancer. So I made a promise to write about every detail throughout my journey and eventually (6 months later), about life after cancer.
Read an excerpt directly from the book.
Watch an interview about my journey with Channel 7’s Today Tonight!